Tuesday 25 August 2015

Riverhead Forest and Muriwai

A couple days ago I went to visit a plant that my dad planted in a place called Riverhead Forest which is a freaky man-made forest. All the trees are planted in straight lines and there are not really any animals there, and only a few birds. After we had some fish n chips near Muriwai, and went back to see the gannet colony out there, as well as dudes attempting to sail away on little breezes.

Enjoy these few pics and have a great week!

Saturday 4 April 2015

Blue Springs

This Easter weekend we took a long drive out to the middle of the farmlands and randomly there is this wonderful spring! It is on someone's private property, but the trail is open to the public. There is a spring called Blue Spring which is notable for it's crystal clear water. Apparently majority of Auckland's water comes from the spring! I can see why, it is pure and clean and always flowing. Really magical, just wanted to swim and float down the river but it was a whopping 11 degrees C, so not too warm.... Only thing is, the drive there is a bit boring, it is just endless farms. That being said, majority of New Zealand is farmland, so it is unavoidable. The beautiful part is this wonderful river and the trees surrounding it. You can see what New Zealand used to look like and be covered in this wonderful foliage. Now a days, it is a lot of planned tree plantings and farm lands, so don't look up on this walk. Stay absorbed in the river and the moment back in time because if you look up you see the barren green hills where the trees used to be but have been butchered and removed completely. What an odd but beautiful place!

Here are the photos! Happy Easter folks, eat tons of chocolate!

Saturday 21 March 2015

Maori Bay Coastal Track

Hey folks! This weekend it was supposed to rain, but it didn't and I wasn't working so I left to go on a hike!!!

I have been wanting to do this one for quite some time, not sure why I haven't! But I am glad I did! The Maori Bay Coastal Walk is about an hour away from Auckland City, and right next to Omaha beach which is a great beach. The walk took me about 2 hours or a bit under. I took the challenging way first, and went towards the water, rather than the hill. Turns out it was way harder than the hill would have been. The trail is really small, and leads basically to a little footpath the eventually forces you down a steep little slope into the water. It was okay though, really pretty and from there on you just walk on beaches. After you get sick enough of hobbling over rocks, you can find relief in a staircase up a hill, from there you are in the grassy hills roaming around and bothering sheep. So New Zealand. It is just a BEAUTIFUL hike, and it isn't that long. Recommend!

Here are some great photos. I don't edit these because I am lazy, this is just real life New Zealand.