Friday 21 February 2014

Auckland Lantern Festival

Happy Chinese New Year, although it's late. It's the year of the horse and luckily for me Auckland does something really swell to celebrate! A really nice lantern festival in Albert Park in downtown Auckland. It's full of lanterns, fireworks, and GOOD FOOD. If you don't like really traditional Asian food though then I guess you wouldn't be too keen on the food bit. Luckily for me I am and I indulged in tepanyaki, lamb skewers, and a whole lot of dumplings.
The park is relatively small but it doesn't matter because the lanterns are huge (for lanterns). I hope you didn't think that I meant the other type of lantern festival with the floating ones, this is not that. Either way lanterns are pretty bad ass and these ones were no exception to that. I don't have much to say about this except enjoy the pictures and get inspired to come to New Zealand!

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