Friday, 21 February 2014

Auckland Lantern Festival

Happy Chinese New Year, although it's late. It's the year of the horse and luckily for me Auckland does something really swell to celebrate! A really nice lantern festival in Albert Park in downtown Auckland. It's full of lanterns, fireworks, and GOOD FOOD. If you don't like really traditional Asian food though then I guess you wouldn't be too keen on the food bit. Luckily for me I am and I indulged in tepanyaki, lamb skewers, and a whole lot of dumplings.
The park is relatively small but it doesn't matter because the lanterns are huge (for lanterns). I hope you didn't think that I meant the other type of lantern festival with the floating ones, this is not that. Either way lanterns are pretty bad ass and these ones were no exception to that. I don't have much to say about this except enjoy the pictures and get inspired to come to New Zealand!

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